Jeremy M. Mikecz

Research Interests: the use of digital and spatial methods for a study of indigenous history and history ‘from below’, contact-era and early colonial Peru, early modern indigenous history, application of digital history methods to pre-modern studies and qualitative tex3ts, Latin American colonial and pre-colonial studies, indigenous environmental history, indigenous and ‘ethno-spatial’ history, indigenous peoples and European colonization, early modern world

Teaching Fields:  digital history/humanities (spatial history, data visualization, text mining and analysis, etc.), Latin American history, world history, environmental history, Indigenous Studies and European colonialism


CURRENT POSITION: Andrew Mellon Digital Humanities Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the University of Southern California (Aug 2017 – Jul 2019)



Sept 2010-Sept 2017                     University of California-Davis                    Davis, California

Ph.D. in History

·        Major Field: Latin America, Minor Field: Environmental History


Aug 2008-June 2009                      Central European University                      Budapest, Hungary

Master of Arts Degree in Medieval Studies

·        Specialization in Environmental & Landscape History

Aug 1998-May 2002                      Washington University in St. Louis         Saint Louis, MO
Bachelor of Arts Degree in History and Secondary Education

·        Graduated magna cum laude



2017-2019 University of Southern California Andrew Mellon Digital Humanities Postdoctoral Research Fellowship

2017-2018 University of Colorado, Boulder, Postdoctoral Fellowship at the Institute of Behavioral Science [declined]

2015-2016 University of California – Davis Provost’s Fellowship - for dissertation completion

2014-2017 National Science Foundation Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement Grant (Geography and Spatial Sciences) – for research travel to Spain (2015), conference travel, and training in Digital Humanities (at Stanford University and the University of Victoria). 

2013-2014 SSRC International Dissertation Research Fellowship (IDRF) –for archival research and scholarly collaboration in Lima, Cusco, and other locations in Peru (Oct 2013-Sept 2014)

2008-2009 Central European University Partial Fellowship- full tuition and partial stipend for participation in the master’s program of Medieval Studies at CEU



2018 Lilly Library Mendel Fellowship – for use of archival collections at the Lilly Library (Univ. of Indiana)

2016 Rocky Mountain Interdisciplinary History Conference Best Paper Prize

2016 Institute of Social Science, Dissertation Travel Award – for conference travel

2015 Social Sciences Dean's Doctoral Fellowship for Excellence Award

2014-2015 Reed-Smith Dissertation Year Travel Grant – for conference travel in 2015. 

2011-2014 Reed-Smith Research Travel Grants – supplementary funding for research travel to Peru (2012 and 2014) and Spain (2011).

2011 Tinker Field Research Grantarchival research in Seville, Spain

2009 Zvetlana-Mihaela Tanasa Memorial Fund (CEU) – Award for innovative research

2002 Graduated with honors, magna cum laude, from Washington University in St. Louis



2017      Social Science History’s Founder Prize – for best article in 2016 (Gutmann, et al. “Environmental Migration beyond the Dust Bowl.”)



Currently working on these projects:

1.      Writing my first book manuscript, Mapping Conquest: A Spatial History of the Spanish Invasion of Indigenous Peru (ca. 1528-1572). I am currently working on finishing a draft of the manuscript and a book proposal to submit to publishers in early 2019. I am also planning a supplemental online digital edition showcasing and explaining the digital methods used for this book while also providing interactive and animated data visualizations and maps not included.

2.      Revising an article outlining my methodological framework for the integration of data visualization techniques with ethnohistory. This paper, “(In)Visibility and Conquest” was workshopped at the William & Mary Quarterly’s “Digital Early America” workshop. I now plan to revise and submit this article to the journal, as part of its new digital scholarship initiative.

3.      Constructing a geospatial database of nearly 4 million toponyms in the Americas for a digital history project, Toponymia Americana. This project analyzes how indigenous history has remained inscribed in landscapes (and maps) across the Americas. Later this year, I plan to begin writing an article describing various ways to wring insight from such ‘big data’ by moving back and forth between the database and specific case studies exploring patterns or anomalies.

4.      Refining and enlarging my Early Colonial Andes corpus of digital texts. Thus far, this corpus includes thirty important texts written about sixteenth-century Peru (Inka and Spanish Peru) and by sixteenth-century authors (or, in some cases, seventeenth-century accounts about the sixteenth century). I have applied semi-automated methods to fully encoded these thirty texts with structural (chapters, pages, paragraphs, footnotes, etc.), named entity (place, people, and group names), and chronological (dates, events) information in XML. A few dozen other texts are partially encoded. This corpus will serve as the principal data source for my second book project: “Indigenous Geographies in a Colonial World: A Spatial and Environmental History of Indigenous Spaces and Colonial Enclaves (Peru: 1500 – 1689).” This spatial history will examine and visualize how the social, political, economic, and environmental geography of indigenous regions changed over two centuries (from Inka to Spanish dominion). The scale of each chapter will vary from a pan-Andean demographic survey to local-level analysis of land tenure.

5.      Planning article “Hacking Historical Texts: Digital Text Analysis of a Sixteenth-Century Corpus” for submission to a digital humanities journal. This article will discuss the methods applied and the results produced by a digital analysis of the Early Colonial Andes corpus. Drawing on scholarship by corpus linguists, literary scholars and geographers who have analyzed literary corpora, this article will explore the types of questions that digital text analysis can answer about historical texts.

6.      Beginning preliminary analysis of a digital corpus of approximately 100,000 book reviews from the American Historical Review I have acquired through an agreement signed with JSTOR. Through the application of text-mining techniques, I will reconstruct some of the ways historical scholarship has changed in the last 125 years.


2015-2017              1930s Migration Project                                                            UC-Boulder

Institute of Behavioral Science

Under the supervision of Dr. Myron Gutmann, processed and analyzed a dataset of 131 million U.S. Americans recorded in the 1940 population census. From this dataset, which included information about where each individual American had lived five years prior, we reconstructed migration patterns for the period between 1935 and 1940. I developed a supplementary longitudinal county-level datasets of agricultural, environmental, economic, and population data containing thousands of variables across three decades for all of the roughly 3100 counties in the United States. After combining the core individual-level dataset with my county-level dataset, we performed exploratory and statistical analyses to explain why people moved (push and pull factors) during the tumultuous 1930s. From this county-level dataset, I created a variety of chloropleth maps documenting change over time as well as variation over space of many of our variables. In addition, after some experimentation, I developed a series of flow maps to visualize migration trends from our large dataset.




2017      “Peering beyond the Imperial Gaze: Towards a Spatial History of Conquest” in the International Journal of Humanities and Arts Computing’s special issue on the value of digital humanities scholarship to the discipline of geography (March 2017).

2011        "The Place that Lies Between: Slavonia in the 10th and 11th Centuries," in Annual of Medieval Studies at CEU 17 (2011): 61-78.

Under Review

2019?    “The Invited Invasion: Indigenous Allies and Auxiliaries in the Conquistadors’ March to Cusco (1533),” submitted recently to the Journal of Historical Geography [under editorial review]

2019?    “Beyond Cajamarca: Decentering European Invaders through a Spatial History Approach,” submitted June 2018 to the Hispanic American Historical Review. [revising to meet recommendations of peer reviewers, with plans to resubmit by Apr 1, 2018]

In Preparation

2020? “(In)visibility and Conquest: Using Data and Geo-Visualization Techniques to Trace Indigenous Activity in Conquest-Era Peru,” presented at workshopped at the William & Mary Quarterly’s “Digital Early America” workshop in Oct 2018. With invitation from the WMQ editor, Josh Piker, I plan to submit an updated version of this paper to the WMQ by the summer of 2019.



2016      with Myron Gutmann, et al. “Migration in the 1930s: Beyond the Dust Bowl” in Social Science History 40, no. 4 (2016): 707-740.



2018      Feshscrift: “Crossing the Abyss: A Brief History of the Apurímac Canyon at the Time of the Spanish Invasion of Inka Peru (1533),” in Festschrift in Honor of József Laszlovszky (Archaeolingua Publishing House, Nov 2018). Available at:

2015      Book Review: Marco Curatola Petrocchi and José Carlos Puente de la Luna, El quipu colonial in: Revista Andina 53 (2015): 358-361.





2017      Mapping Conquest: A Spatial History of the Spanish Invasion of Indigenous Peru (ca. 1528-1537) Ph.D. Dissertation, University of California – Davis. Department of History. Dissertation Committee: Charles Walker (chair), Andrés Reséndez, Anne Knowles, David Garrett

·        A ‘spatial history’ of conquest combining new methods in digital and spatial history with ethnohistory and historical geography as a means to challenge persistent conquest narratives and to write a new narrative that places Andeans in the foreground. It argues the conquest of Peru was just one part of a larger Andean civil war, one in which various Andean groups sought to use the Spanish as valuable military allies or even mercenaries to achieve their own ends. Through the reading of alternative sources and the visualization of indigenous activity, this research shows how indigenous activity and politics shaped the events of the conquest era and the establishment of the colonial world.

2009        “The Place That Lies Between: Slavonia in the 10th and 11th Centuries”. M.A. Thesis, Central European University. Dept. of Medieval Studies, 2009. Supervisor: József Laszlvoszky

·        Interdisciplinary M.A. thesis on early medieval Slavonia (northern Croatia) using GIS to analyze the spatial distribution of archaeological artifacts to debunk nationalistic studies that falsely claim links between medieval material culture, ethnicity, and national borders.

2002        “Friends or Enemies?: Africans and Indians in Colonial Louisiana, 1719-1763”. Honors Thesis in History (B.A.), Washington University in St. Louis, 2002. Supervisor: Conevery Valenčius

·        Ethnohistorical study arguing Africans and Indians (with a focus on the Choctaws) manipulated the precarious conditions of frontiers and borderlands for their own end, engaging in their own form of ‘divide and rule’.



2019      Organizing the symposium “(Re-)Visualizing Indigenous Pasts, Presents, and Futures” to be hosted by USC’s Digital Humanities Program, the Early Modern Studies Institute, and the Huntington Library on March 22, 2019

·        participants currently enrolled: Margaret Wickens Pearce (pioneer in indigenous cartography), Chris Pappan (American Indian artist), Lisa Brooks (literary scholar and historian of the Native Northeast), Votan Henriquez (Los Angeles street artist), Jeffrey Erbig (spatial historian of Latin American), the “Mapping Indigenous L.A.” (a collaborative team of Native American educators and academic scholars) and myself.



2016      Organized the panel, “Indigenous Counter-Mapping: The Use of GIS, Geovisualizations, and Historical Maps to Reconstruct Indigenous Perspectives and Histories,” for the American Historical Association (Atlanta, Jan. 8, 2016). Chair: Anne Knowles; Other Presenters: Deborah Kirk, Mark Palmer.



2020 “’Desde el tiempo del ynga [Since the Time of the Inka]’: Indigenous Land Tenure and Use under the Inka and Spanish in the Andes.” Will be presented at the American Historical Association’s annual conference in New York City, January 2020.

2019 “Indigenous Geographic Knowledge in Spanish Imperial Surveys.” Will be presented in Berlin at the Max Planck Institute for  the History of Science as part of the workshop, Describing an Empire: Knowledge and Imperial Control in the Chinese and Spanish Empires, on Nov 21-22, 2019.

2018 “(In)Visibility and Conquest: Using Data and Geo-Visualization Techniques to Trace Indigenous Activity in Conquest-Era Peru.” Presented and ‘workshopped’ this paper as part of the William and Mary Quarterly’s “Digital Research in Early America” (UC-Irvine, Oct 11-12, 2018).

2018 From Invasion to Occupation and Resistance: Mapping Indigenous History during the Conquest and Colonization of Peru” presented at the Spatial Humanities conference (Lancaster University, UK, Sept 20-21, 2018).

2018      “Conquest Interrupted: How the Colony of Peru was Nearly Destroyed and then Saved by Andean Armies during Manqo's War of 1536-37.” Paper presented at the Rocky Mountain Council for Latin American Studies (Reno, NV Apr 1-4, 2018).

2016      “An Incomplete Conquest: A Spatial History of the Spanish Invasion of Inka Peru (1532-1542).” Paper presented at the American Society for Ethnohistory (Nashville, Nov. 10, 2016).

2016      “In Search of Invisible Allies: Tracing Indigenous Activity in the Conquest of Peru (1532-1572).” Paper presented at the Rocky Mountain Interdisciplinary History Conference (Boulder, CO, Sept. 24, 2016).

2016      “Mapping Texts: Unlocking the Hidden Spatiality of Early Colonial Sources.” Paper presented at the Rocky Mountain Council for Latin American Studies (Santa Fe, NM, Apr 2, 2016).

2016      “(Counter-)Mapping the Conquest of Peru: Using Spatial History to Reimagine the Conquest-Era.” Paper presented at the American Historical Association Annual Meeting (Atlanta, Jan 8, 2016).

2015      “From Texts to Maps: Using Qualitative GIS to Examine the Geographies of Power in Conquest-Era Peru.” Paper presented at the Social Science Historical Association [SSHA] Conference (Baltimore, Nov 14, 2015).

2015      “Limits of Conquest: Mapping the Edges of Empires.” Paper presented at the II Workshop Internacional: Mudanças e continuidades espaços fronteiriços e mentalidades de fronteira (Lisbon, July 20, 2015).

2015      “Landscapes of Refuge and Resistance: Indigenous People, Peasants, and Mountains.” Paper presented at the Thinking Mountains Conference (Jasper, B.C, Canada, May 5, 2015).

2015      “Toward a Spatial History of the Conquest: Reconstructing Spatial Narratives of the Conquest of Peru.” Paper presented at the Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting (Chicago, Apr. 21, 2015).

2015      “The Spatiality of Conquest: Using GIS to Visualize Indigenous Activity in Conquest-Era Peru.” Paper presented at the Southwestern Social Science Association (Denver, Apr. 9, 2015).

2014      “Re-imagining the Conquest of Peru Using Qualitative GIS.” Paper presented at the SSHA (Toronto, Nov. 9, 2014).

2012         "Indigenous Networks and Mobility in 16th Century Huánuco: A Spatial History of an Andean Region," June 6, 2012.  (2nd Year Research Project, UC-Davis)

2012         “Indigenous Networks and Mobility in 16th-Century Huánuco: A Spatial History of an Andean Region.” Paper presented at the UC Davis Graduate Student Latin American Workshop, Davis, CA, May 22, 2012.

2011         “Mobility, Labor and the Environment in the Transconquest Andes” presented at the Colonial Latin America Forum, Davis, CA, May 27, 2011.



2018      with Myron Gutmann, et al. “Moving West: Who Moved to California in the 1930s, Where they Came From, and Why we Think They Moved” presented by Myron Gutmann at the European Social Science History Association (Belfast, Apr 2018).

2017      with Myron Gutmann, et al. “Rural Out-Migration and Environmental Shocks in the 1930s” presented by Myron Gutmann at the Social Science History Association (Montreal, Nov 2017).

2017      with Myron Gutmann, et al. “Rural Out-Migration and Environmental Shocks in the 1930s” presented by Susan Hautaniemi Leonard at the Rural Sociological Society (Columbus, OH; Jul 2017).

2016      with Myron Gutmann, et al. “Environmental Migration Beyond the Dust Bowl in the 1930s” presented by Lori Hunter at the Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America (Washington DC, March 2016).

2016      with Angela Cunningham, et al. “Multi-scale Analysis of American Environmental Migration Patterns in the 1930s” presented by Cunningham at the Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting (San Francisco, Apr. 2, 2016).

2015      with Myron Gutmann, et al. “Environmental Migration beyond the Dust Bowl in the 1930s” presented by Gutmann at the Social Science History Association (Baltimore, Nov 2015).



2018      “Toward a Digital History of the Spanish Invasion of Indigenous Peru / Hacia una historia digital de la invasion Española del Perú indígena” presented at Digital Humanities 2018 (Mexico City, June 26, 2018).

2013      “Andean Spaces and Indigenous Places: A Spatial History of the ‘Conquest’ of Peru” presented at the 20th Anniversary of Medieval Studies at Central European University (Budapest, May 2013).



2019      “Conquering Digital History / Digitizing Conquest History,” presented at the Ahmanson Lab workshop series at USC (Jan 16, 2019)

2018     “Mapping Indigenous History: From GIS to Digital Sketch Maps and Infographics,” presented at USC’s Spatial Sciences Institute (Oct 16, 2018)

2017      Currently training fellow scholars at USC in the use of 1) R for quantitative data analysis and visualization and 2) QGIS, an open-source Geographic Information Systems (GIS) program, for historical research.

2016      “Mapping Conquest: Toward a Spatial History of Conquest.” Guest lecture presented as part of the Digital Humanities Series at the University of Colorado - Boulder (Boulder, CO, Nov. 1, 2016).

2015     “Mapping the Conquest of Peru: Towards an Ethno-Spatial History.” Guest lecture presented at Stanford University’s Center for Spatial and Textual Analysis (Stanford, May 18, 2015).

2014      “Historia y SIG.” Guest lecture and training session presented to a History Methods class at the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (Lima, Oct 2014).

2014      “Reimagining the Conquest of Peru” presented to UC-Davis Study Abroad participants in Cusco, Peru. After the presentation, I gave a guided tour of downtown Cusco, pointing out important locations of Inka and early-Spanish Cusco. June, 2014.

2013      “Landscapes of Refuge and Resistance” presented to Latin American History to 1700 class at the University of California – Davis. Spring 2013.

2009      “Historical GIS: The Application of Open Source GIS to Historical Study” presented to classmates and faculty in the Medieval Studies Dept. at Central European University (Budapest, May 2009).



2017-2018                          University of Southern California                            Los Angeles, CA

Postdoctoral Fellow / Visiting Professor

Spring 2019       HIST 498: Hacking History:  Towards a Digital History of Latin America

·        In this upper-level seminar I will integrate two of my intellectual passions: Latin American history and digital history. This course asks: how can we separate myth from history? Stereotypes from fact? Sensationalism from real trends? This class will explore the ways digital tools and methods may help us answer these questions. It will do so by focusing on three overarching themes in the history of Latin America (and the Americas more generally): imperial expansion and invasion, urbanization, and migration. In studying these three themes, I will train students in the use of quantitate data analysis, digital text analysis, and data visualization as tools to explore the complicated history of Latin America in new ways. As a final project, students will produce an online, digital project showcasing their use of digital history methods to produce original research on a historical question relevant to the themes of the class.


Spring 2019        GESM (General Education Seminar) 120g: Resisting and Negotiating Invaders: Native American Responses to European Invasions of the Americas (1500-1900)

·        In what different ways did Native Americans resist, negotiate, or avoid the worst effects of invasion? Rather than ask why Europeans prevailed, this course instead focuses on native resilience and asks how indigenous people survived. Students will learn about the complexity of indigenous-European encounters by reliving some of them. For a significant part of the course they will participate in educational gameplay: reproducing the intellectual debates people such as Andeans in the sixteenth century or Cherokees in the nineteenth century participated in while deciding how to best confront a difficult situation. As part of this gameplay, students will engage in a close reading of primary source texts, prepare speeches with historically-accurate language, and participate in debates, all while acting in character.


Spring 2018        GESM 120g: Invasions and Conquests: Myths, Propaganda, and “Alternative Facts’ in European ‘Conquests’ of the Indigenous Americas

·        As a general education seminar for freshmen non-humanities majors, this course examined historical invasions and how authors have written about invasions - whether historical events, perceived threats, or imagined future possibilities. This course focused on the most consequential series of invasions in world history: the European invasion and “conquest” of the Americas. Learning activities included: weekly class discussions of readings; primary source analysis of early colonial text from the Andes and pictorial art from Mesoamerica; a month-long Reacting to the Past game about how the Cherokees confronted pressures for their removal in the 1830s – where students read primary texts, prepared speeches, and participated in debates in character; and small group writing workshops (to name a few).


2011-2013                          University of California – Davis                                Davis, CA

Teaching Assistant / Discussion Section Leader

Winter 2013       Hist 7b: Latin America in the Middle Period, 1700-1900 (Andrés Reséndez)

Winter 2012       Hist 7b: Latin America in the Middle Period, 1700-1900 (Charles Walker)

Fall 2011             Hist 7a: Pre-Hispanic and Early Colonial Spanish America (Charles Walker)


2009-2010                          Quality English School                                                Barcelona, Spain

English Teacher

·        Taught English to Spaniards (ages from 5 to 65)

2007-2008                          Digital Arts & Technology Academy                       Albuquerque, NM

Social Studies / History Teacher


2002-2006                          University City High School                                       Saint Louis, MO

Social Studies / History Teacher & Coach



2017-2019                          Andrew W. Mellon Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the Digital Humanities

                                                                                                                        University of Southern California


2015-2017                          Research Assistant (Digital History)         Institute of Behavioral Science

(University of Colorado – Boulder)

·        Assisted Dr. Myron Gutmann in identifying and ‘cleaning’ data, performing ‘big data’ statistical and spatial analysis, creating data visualizations, and preparing and writing papers on the relationship between migration, the economy, and the environment in Depression-Era U.S.


2009, 2012                         GIS Consultant                                               various

·        Served as freelance GIS consultant to academics


2001-2002, 2012              Research Assistant                                        various

·        Researched the 1) the connection between climate and an eighteenth-century Peruvian rebellion, 2) the social and environmental implications of the 1810 New Madrid (MO) earthquakes, and 3) the early history of the NFL, for book projects for Dr. Charles Walker, Dr. Conevery Valencius, and Michael MacCambridge, respectively.



Aug 2018             Completed USC Digital Humanities Boot Camp for Scalar (platform for publishing interactive, digital research)

Apr 2015 – June 2017     As part of migration digital history project at Colorado University  -  Boulder learned how to use SAS and R for the quantitative analysis of large datasets (as much as 131 million observations) and R (ggplot) for the visualization of these datasets.             

June 2015           Participated in Digital Humanities Summer Institute (Victoria, B.C)

May 2015            Interned at Stanford University’s Center for Spatial and Textual Analysis

2014-2016           Completed online courses in text analysis with Python, and data analysis and visualization with R.

Fall 2012              Completed online 16th Century Spanish Paleography Class (hosted by the Instituto Riva-Agüero, Lima)

Winter 2012       Participated in Spatial History class at Stanford’s Center for Spatial and Textual Analysis

2009-present     Self-taught in the use of a variety of GIS programs (especially ArcGIS and QGIS)

Fall 2006             Participated in a month-long excavation at Chaco Canyon, NM and three additional months of lab and classwork on Pueblo culture and history (Univ. of New Mexico)




Archivo Arzobispal de Lima (Peru)

Archivo Arzobispal de Cusco (Peru)

Archivo General de Indias (Seville)

Archivo General de la Nación (Lima)

Archivo Regional de Abancay (Peru)

Archivo Regional de Ayacucho (Peru)



Archivo Regional del Cusco (Peru)

Archivo Regional de Huánuco (Peru)

Biblioteca Nacional del Perú (Lima)

British Library (UK)

Huntington Library (CA)

Library of Congress (DC)

Lilly Library (Univ. of Indiana)




·        Spanish (proficient with training in 16th century paleography through Inst. Riva-Agüero)

·        Knowledge of some Quechua terms with plans to learn conversational Quechua

·        Basic but fading knowledge of Latin, German, and Croatian


·        Data Visualization: maps and geospatial databases with ArcGIS and QGIS, data visualizations and maps with R

·        Text Encoding: XML/TEI to encode documents and Python to automatically encode some of this information and to transform and query these texts

·        Text Structuring: Creating ordered datasets and structured texts from scanned texts using Python (especially regular expressions)

·        Named Entity Recognition: automated recognition of named entities (place, person, group names) with Python’s spaCY module.

·        Text-Mining: Python’s NLTK Module for Natural Language Processing and text-mining

·        Digital Text Analysis: queries and analysis of text corpora using Python, especially its xml-parsing module, BeautifulSoup

·        Web Scraping: extracting metadata and other historical information from websites using Python and BeautifulSoup

·        Mixed Methods: Developed techniques combining Qualitative Data Analysis with geovisualizations techniques

·        Digital Publishing: Scalar

·        Quantitative Data Management and Statistical Analysis: R and SAS

·        Dynamic presentations: impress.js

·        Web Design: html and css

·        Formatting and transforming written documents: pandoc and markdown

·        Languages: Python, R, SAS, xml

·        Skills to learn: d3.js for interactive, online data visualization; web-scraping, stylometry, and sentiment analysis with Python



·        Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations

·        American Association of Geographers

·        American Historical Association

·        American Society for Ethnohistory

·        Social Science History Association













Charles F. Walker                                            

Professor (History), Director of the Hemispheric Institute of the Americas, UC-Davis             

2216 Social Sciences & Humanities               

1 Shields Ave.; Davis, CA 95616                                    


(Relationship: Principal Academic Advisor, Comps Committee, Dissertation Committee Chair; I also worked for him as a Teaching Assistant (twice) and as a Graduate Research Assistant)


Andrés Reséndez

Professor (History), UC-Davis

2216 Social Sciences & Humanities

1 Shields Ave.

Davis, CA 95616


(Relationship: Prospectus Committee Chair, Comps Committee, Dissertation Committee; I also worked for him as a Reader in 2011 and as a TA in 2012)


Myron Gutmann

Director, Institute of Behavorial Science and Professor (History), Univ. of CO-Boulder

Institute of Behavioral Science

483 UCB; Boulder, CO 80309


(Relationship: Director/Principal Investigator for my previous research assistant job studying migration in Depression-Era United States)


Anne Knowles

Professor (History), The University of Maine

145 Stevens Hall; Orono, ME 04469


(Relationship: Dissertation Committee; We have presented together in panels at the AAG and AHA)


David Garrett

Professor of History and Humanities

Reed College

3203 SE Woodstock Blvd.; Portland, OR 97202


(Relationship: Dissertation Committee)

Peter Mancall

Vice Dean for the Humanities

Andrew W. Mellon Professor of the Humanities

Director of the Early Modern Studies Institute

University of Southern California


(Relationship: post-doctoral mentor)


For more information, please see